Regenerative blowers are used where large air volumes at high pressure are needed - Find out more
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Every substance has specific demands of pneumatic conveying systems. This has to be addressed otherwise handling bulk powder substances could be difficult and messy. 

Today, we present to you tips on how to choose the right kind of pneumatic conveying system for your bulk powder handling needs so you can improve production while lowering the instances of product quality degradation. 

Factors to consider in choosing 

the right pneumatic conveying 

system for powder conveying

You have two choices for your powder conveying needs:

However you need to consider the following factors:

Characteristics of the material (powder)

It is extremely important to know the following characteristics of the powder that has to be conveyed:

  • Size and shape
  • Bulk density and moisture content
  • Abrasiveness and friability
  • Cohesiveness and if hydroscopic
  • Static charge and if explosive
  • Toxicity and melt point

This table shows different products and the suggested conveying methods. 

Lean vs dense phase pneumatic conveying systems table of products

Disclaimer: Note that this is just based on general pneumatic conveying principles. This may vary depending on other factors. Please call us at 1300721458 so we can provide recommendations based on your unique system needs.

System fit (location and plant environment)

Plan how the line routing and length will fit into your installation area. Check if there are any physical constraints in the area such as other equipment or spots with low headroom. Consider how it can be configured to provide easy maintenance access to system components.

Material transfer rate system requirement

Identifying your material transfer rate system requires technical knowledge and experience in pneumatic conveying.The table below shows the operation phase differences between these two pneumatic conveying systems. 

Lean vs dense phase pneumatic conveying systems table of operations

Contact us for a no obligation initial consultation, today. 

Understanding dense phase pneumatic 

conveying system

Is a dense phase pneumatic conveying system the right choice for your powder conveying needs? The above factors and the following advantages and disadvantages it brings to your industry processes will help you decide.

Advantages of dense phase pneumatic 

conveying systems

Dense phase pneumatic conveying systems bring many advantages to your powder conveying process. This includes the following:

Uses less power in powder conveying

Dense phase pneumatic conveying systems use high air pressure to transfer materials. It generally uses less power compared to lean phase pneumatic conveying systems. 

Helps save up space in the workplace

There are many instances where dense phase or lean phase systems can be used and you need to confer with an experienced engineer to make that choice.
Pneuvay Engineering can model and test dense phase conveying of your product to obtain suitability, optimum conveying and efficiency.
Airslide pneumatic conveying systems of powder

Airslide systems for pneumatic conveying of powder by using aerated materials and gravity

Low speed means lower product degradation

Dense phase systems slowly convey powder which makes it more material friendly. As a result, the quality of your powder is better retained compared to the higher material velocity processing method of lean phase systems.

High Loading capacity

Dense phase pneumatic conveying systems applies high pressure differential on both terminals. This allows efficient bulk material conveying of powder, and in particular with aerated powders.

Disadvantages of dense phase pneumatic 

conveying systems

Every system has their disadvantages, including dense phase pneumatic conveying systems. These are some of it:

  • Inconsistent material properties such as product size
  • Moisture and compaction
  • Higher pressure requirements

Ultimately, dense phase system is most efficient in high volume powder conveying. Unsure if this is the perfect system for you? Call us at 1300721458.

Understanding lean phase pneumatic 

conveying systems

Lean phase pneumatic conveying systems are best used for conveying dehydrated, granular and non abrasive powdery materials and applications that need multiple sourcing or stages for the following reasons:
  • Uses a low pressure and high speed system air mover 
  • Can be used for bakery products and other materials with the same consistency 
  • Suitable for handling materials that require zero leakage in the workplace 

Disadvantages of lean phase 

pneumatic conveying

Lean phase is used by food manufacturing firms because of its many advantages. However, these may be problems that operators may find during the conveying process:

Formation of unnecessary slugs of materials 

due to non-uniform speed

When processing powder, there is always the risk of forming slugs along the processing tube at high pressures.

Faster wear and tear of parts

High-speed air input can result to faster deterioration of parts. Thus the need to constantly replace parts which could mean additional costs for your company.

What to choose - lean or dense phase 

pneumatic conveying? 

There is no single formula to use when deciding if a lean or dense phase pneumatic conveying system or even vacuum or pressure conveying is the right choice for your company. Here at Pneuvay Engineering, we sit down with you and discuss the design of your pneumatic conveying system according to the size, shape, density, moisture, abrasiveness and other properties of the material. We take this into careful consideration to ensure we design the best dense phase pneumatic conveying system for you.  

We carefully consider the location and the condition of the immediate environment of your plant. We check if there are any physical constraints that can cause problems in designing the pressure differential or the air speed factor of the machine we will set-up. This ensures the setup we will install produces the correct consistency, form and quality of the product and there is no air leakage to or from the system, especially for highly flammable materials. 

Do you have additional questions regarding lean or dense phase pneumatic conveying systems? Contact us online or call us at 1300721458.

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Regenerative blowers are applied to situations where a large volume of air at high pressure is needed.
They are used in scenarios involving flammable gases or processes with hazardous or heavy-duty elements.
Read on to find out more