Regenerative blowers are used where large air volumes at high pressure are needed - Find out more
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» Regenerative blowers are have specialised industrial applications - More in this month's blog



Monday, June 23, 2014

Pneuvay Engineering's Managing Director, Michael Francis (Managing Director) and Paul Malcolm (Engineering Manager) share their expertise in this specialised field by answering these common questions. Read their response to the top five questions asked by industries about pneumatic conveying systems.

Michael Francis and Paul Malcolm - pneumatic conveying experts of Pneuvay Engineering

Michael Francis and Paul Malcolm - pneumatic conveying experts of Pneuvay Engineering

Question #1: What is pneumatic conveying?

Of all the pneumatic conveying questions, this is by far the most common. Pneumatic conveying is the technology where air or gas is used to propel granular or powder material in an enclosed pipe. It comes from the Greek term 'pneumatikos', meaning 'of wind or air. The technology can operate as either a vacuum or as a pressure system. In more technical terms, the ratio of kg of air to kg of product can be expressed by the designer in the terms of lean phase or dense phase pneumatic conveying systems.

What is pneumatic conveying?

Question #1: What is pneumatic conveying?

Here is an example of how a dense phase pneumatic conveying system process flows material.

Dense phase pneumatic conveying system process flow

Dense phase pneumatic conveying system process flow

Question #2: What industries benefit from these systems?

Pneumatic conveying systems are used in various industries, particularly those related to school wood and metal shops, grain and seed storage, and plastics and paper converting.

Industries that commonly use pneumatic conveying systems include:

  • Dairy
  • Food processing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Mining
  • Transportation
  • Manufacturing

Other industries where they are used in specific situations include:

  • Ceramics and glass
  • Cement and lime mills
  • Building products and plastics
  • Foundries
  • Power and incineration
  • Waste recovery plants

Waste recovery plants include pollution control and water treatment facilities.

What industries benefit from pneumatic conveying systems?

Question #2: What industries benefit from pneumatic conveying systems?

Question #3: What are the most common pneumatic conveying problems you find?

We commonly encounter queries and problems regarding the difference between air volume and air pressure within a pneumatic conveying system. Sometimes systems have been added to, or rates have been increased above the original design, without proper calculations having been made. As a result the system fails to meet production expectations, with blockages and a drop in performance being experienced.

What are the most common pneumatic conveying problems you find?

Question #3: What is the most common pneumatic conveying problems you find?

Question #4: What are the major causes of these inefficiencies?

A major cause of these unwanted inefficiencies are existing systems that have been installed in an ad hoc manner. This is a common error made by inexperienced engineers who, while understanding the merits of pneumatic conveying systems, lack the knowledge to realise the technical design techniques.

What are the major causes of pneumatic conveying system inefficiencies?

Question #4: What are the major causes of pneumatic conveying system inefficiencies?

Question #5: How does Pneuvay respond to pneumatic conveying errors and inefficiencies?

We take time to analyse the individual pieces of equipment used in the pneumatic conveying system. These include:

  • Blowers
  • Filters
  • Rotary valves
  • Dust collectors

How does Pneuvay respond to pneumatic conveying errors and inefficiencies?

Question #5: How does Pneuvay respond to pneumatic conveying errors and inefficiencies?

Question #6: How will I know if a pneumatic conveying system is best for my situation?

You need an expert engineer to help you decide if a pneumatic conveying system will work best for you. Talk to us and we'll carefully analyse the characteristics of your conveyed materials:

  • Material to be transferred
  • Plant location and environment
  • Transfer rate

What pneumatic conveying systems will work best for me?

Question #6: What pneumatic conveying systems will work best for me?

Question #7: How about mechanical conveying systems? How are pneumatic conveying systems better than these?

Mechanical conveying systems have their own advantages. Pneumatic conveying systems, however, are the preferred choice when conveying powder and granular materials over a long distance. Pneumatic conveying has the following advantages over mechanical:

  • Completely contained making it environmentally safe
  • Free from dust emissions posing little risk of contamination
  • Far less expensive to maintain and operate

How are pneumatic conveying systems better than mechanical conveyors?

Question #7: How are pneumatic conveying systems better than mechanical conveyors?

Question #8: You've mentioned many advantages of pneumatic conveying systems. Does it have any disadvantages?

Pneumatic conveying systems work best at rates up to 100tph. Inefficiencies may still happen though, in small pipe lengths or in very high conveying rates. In cases like this we recommend the use of mechanical conveying systems to maximise the use of direct power.

What disadvantages do pneumatic conveying systems have?

Question #8: What disadvantages do pneumatic conveying systems have??

Question #9: What pneumatic conveying products do you offer industries?

We supply various pneumatic conveying equipment, components and systems. These include Vortex Valves and the Donaldson Dust Collector Systems, including its dust control collectors, extractors and extraction systems. Other products we install, maintain and supply to industries include:

What pneumatic conveying products do you offer industries?

Question #9: What pneumatic conveying products do you offer industries?

Question #10: What advice can you give to industries wishing to benefit from pneumatic conveying systems?

Pneumatic conveying systems may require significant initial outlay. The pay-off, however, comes over time (return on investment), as they provide reduced maintenance costs and increased productivity gains. The greater return on investment will depend on your specific circumstances.

What advice can you give to industries wishing to benefit from pneumatic conveying systems?

Question #10: What advice can you give to industries wishing to benefit from pneumatic conveying systems?

For help feel free to contact us

Feel free to contact us at 1300721458 if you have more pneumatic conveying questions. We are happy to help get a better understanding of how your business may benefit from a pneumatic conveying system.

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Regenerative blowers are applied to situations where a large volume of air at high pressure is needed.
They are used in scenarios involving flammable gases or processes with hazardous or heavy-duty elements.
Read on to find out more